Sunny | Apple TV+ Series | Wiki, Cast, Synopsis and More
“Sunny” is an American black comedy television series created by Katie Robbins, based on the novel “The Dark Manual” by Irish writer Colin O’Sullivan. The series premiered on July 10, 2024, on Apple TV+. Suzie, an American woman living in Japan, teams up with Sunny, a domestic robot made by her husband’s company, to uncover the dark truth behind the mysterious plane crash that caused her husband and son to disappear.
Name | Sunny |
Year of publication | 2024 |
Also known as | Dark Manual |
Category | TV Series |
Genre | Dark comedy Drama Thriller |
Directed by | Lucy Tcherniak Colin Bucksey Dearbhla Walsh Makoto Nagahisa |
Written by | Katie Robbins Julissa Castillo Aja Gabel Kimi Lee Ken Kobayashi Nancy Won |
Based on | The Dark Manual by Colin O’Sullivan |
Top Casts (Actors) | Rashida Jones Hidetoshi Nishijima Judy Ongg |
IMDB Rating | 7/10 |
Rotten Tomatoes Rating | 89% (Audience Score) |
Google Users Rating | 50% (Liked) |
Producing country | United States |
Original language | English Japanese |
Running time | 35 min. |
First episode release date | July 10, 2024 |
Last episode release date | Sep 4, 2024 |
Producer | Katie Robbins Lucy Tcherniak Ravi Nandan Jess Lubben Rashida Jones Nancy Won Nellie Nugiel Nathan Reinhart Georgina Pope |
Production company | A24 Twenty First City Babka Pictures Poppycock Pictures |
Network | Apple TV+ |
No. of Seasons | 1 |
No. of Episodes | 10 |
Air time | Every Wednesday |
Where to Watch | Apple TV+ |
Below, you can see the actors of “Sunny” Apple TV Plus Series along with their biographies.
Rashida Jones Role: Suzie | Hidetoshi Nishijima Role: Masa Sakamoto |
Judy Ongg Role: Noriko Sakamoto | Annie the Clumsy Role: Mixxy |
You Role: Hime | Jun Kunimura Role: Yuki Tanaka |
Shin Shimizu Role: Tetsu | Joanna Sotomura Role: Sunny |
The story follows Suzie (Rashida Jones), an American living in Kyoto, Japan. After her husband Masa Sakamoto (Hidetoshi Nishijima) and their son go missing in a plane crash, Suzie is given a household robot named Sunny by her husband’s robotics company as a form of consolation. Initially skeptical of the robot, Suzie gradually befriends Sunny, and together they try to uncover what really happened to her husband and son.
Note: The information provided is sourced from reliable websites. In case there are any contradictions in the text, readers are encouraged to point them out in the comments.
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